Category Archive Holiday Help


Halloween Tips

The holidays are just around the corner! Halloween starts the festivities with loads of candy that can send you into a sugar rush, spiral you into a sea of unnecessary calories, and cause inflammation around your waistline.

As we prepare for a more normal holiday season this year, think about how you can be more mindful of what you serve your guests and what you are putting into your own body. Consider some of these tips and tricks to help you start the season nicely:

  • Avoid buying candy that you like: If you don’t have it in the house, there’s less temptation to snack on it as you walk past the candy bowl.
  • Hide the candy until Halloween day: If you’re trying to prepare by catching the good sales, then hide the candy when you get home. Remember: out of sight, out of mind.
  • Buy individual bags of pretzels and/or popcorn instead of candy: I know I always appreciate it when my kids come home from trick or treating with some snack bags instead of just candy.
  • Allow yourself one piece a day for the first 3 days: You never have to live a life of deprivation, so allow one piece of snack size candy for the first 3 days after lunch if you really want some candy and then move on after day 4.
  • Give it away: After Halloween, give away the extra candy. Bring it to the office or donate it to the local food bank. Some dentist offices will even pay you for it!

Check out this chart we found on Elliptical Reviews and think about how long it would take to burn off some of these treats:

Wishing you all a very Happy Halloween!


Vacation Time!

As we near the end of August, most people are getting ready to wrap up their summers with travel plans and various festivities.  I always look forward to vacations with my family and have the Go-Go’s “Vacation” stuck in my head for days as I pack (even though the song isn’t 100% appropriate).

At the same time, this can be when people let their guard down and possibly gain some weight, but it is possible to still have a great time without losing control and preventing weight gain.  Going on vacation and preserving your waistline can be done, I promise!

Take a look at some of these tips to see how you can maintain control but still enjoy those last few days of summer:

—Don’t drink your calories

If you like a cocktail, go for it: but be mindful of how much and what kind.  For example, avoid cocktails that have extra syrups and sugary base beverages (e.g. soda, juice) and limit those Pina Coladas and strawberry daiquiris to one time during your trip.

Drink 1 bottle of water between every alcoholic beverage to space out the number of caloric beverages you consume in one sitting.

Look for drinks that have lower calories, such as hard seltzers, light beers, or mixed drinks (e.g. rum and diet coke, vodka with seltzer and lime).

—Avoid the all you can eat buffets

I loved buffets when I was a kid, but now I find them to be very overwhelming and dislike them for more reasons than one.  Thinking of all of the caloric damage that can be done at a buffet starts to make me nauseous.  Sometimes these can’t be avoided on certain types of vacations (e.g. cruises, all-inclusive resorts), so try to make the best choices possible.

Before taking any food, survey the whole buffet first to see what foods are available.  Then put together in your head what you want to put on your plate.  Here are some options of foods you can grab:

 – Proteins (e.g. omelets, greek yogurt, lean breakfast meat, seafood, legumes)

 – Vegetables (can also be in your omelets)

 – Fruits

After eating these items, you may feel full and satisfied enough that you aren’t even thinking of grabbing one of those breakfast pastries you saw earlier.

—Share, share, share

Remember: sharing means caring!  I do love trying different foods in the area I’m staying, but I don’t want to consume all of those calories.  Sharing meals with friends and family allows you to enjoy all of the delicacies without going overboard.  Plus, it also saves a few dollars.

—Stay active

Vacation can be a great time to increase your daily activity since you have more free time.  Dust off that fitness tracker or use the feature on your smartwatch to track your exercise and aim for about 10,000 steps a day.  Whether it’s window shopping, biking, hiking, yoga, or just a new activity for you, get out there and move.

If there’s an activity you love to do, try doing it in a new place when on vacation.  I love doing yoga, so I will go to different yoga studios or do yoga on the beach.  You never know what you might learn that will be different from what you are used to at home.

Vacation can be a wonderful time, but you don’t have to regret all the eating and drinking you did when you get back home.  Remember: once you get home, get right back into your routine.  Drink lots of water to help you “de-bloat”.  If you can come back with about one or two pounds gained or lost, I call that a WIN.