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February is American Heart Month!

As you may know, February starts tomorrow and is the start of American Hearth Month! To help support a healthy heart, here are some strategies you can implement to assist in a long and healthy life:

Get active! The American Heart Association recommends adults get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity (or a combination of both), preferably spread throughout the week.

Maintain a healthy weight. When your weight is in a healthy range, your heart doesn’t have to overwork to circulate blood. Being an average weight reduces your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and many other life-threatening conditions, including some cancers and sleep apnea

Quit smoking. And stay away from secondhand smoke!

Control your cholesterol and blood pressure. Did you know high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and smoking are key risk factors for heart disease? Preventing and managing these health conditions through diet, activity, and behaviors is essential.

Drink alcohol in moderation. The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults of legal drinking age can choose not to drink or drink in moderation by limiting intake to 2 drinks or less for men and 1 drink or less for women in one day.

Manage life stressors. Find healthy outlets for the inevitable stress of life, such as adult coloring books, reading, exercising, sewing, or picking up a new hobby that brings you joy.

It’s so important to take care of this essential organ all year round, but wear red during the month of February and give your heart some love!


Healthy Shopping on a Budget

All of us have noticed the increase of food prices. This can become challenging when you are trying to shop on a budget AND eat healthy at the same time. Here are some great tips to help you maximize your shopping trips. Remember: a little research and planning ahead can go a long way to keep some extra cash in your pocket.

(1) Try Shopping Apps

  • Ibotta, Rakuten, Fetch: Get rewards or money for shopping that you are doing anyway!
  • Flipp, Basket: You can find local sales in your area without driving around
  • Brand Websites: Check out different websites to find coupons

(2) Buy in Bulk at Wholesalers (e.g. Costco, BJ’s, Sam’s)

You can freeze the additional packages you purchase or make enough when you cook for leftovers and freeze them.

(3) Plan Around Sales and Check Store Flyers

Planning ahead will prevent you from wandering around the store aimlessly with no idea of what you will eat for the upcoming week. You may also end up buying extra food that you don’t need, which can end up going to waste. Plan your meals around what’s on sale at the time.

(4) Create a Shopping List

Use your weekly eating plan to create a grocery list. Try preparing meals that include similar ingredients throughout the week to keep your list from becoming too long.

(5) Don’t Shop Hungry and Don’t Stray From the List!

This is self-explanatory: the hungrier you are when you go to the store, the more likely you will buy more.

(6) Generic/Store Brands Can Be Cheaper

Compare different brands of the same item to find the lowest price. Using the unit price can help to compare the cost of the different sizes of products.

(7) Shop In-Season Produce

Produce that’s local and seasonal are at it’s peak flavor and are more abundant, so it’s typically sold at a lower price

(8) Try Frozen or Canned Alternatives

Frozen fruits and veggies are a great alternative to fresh ones since they have the same nutritional content and are typically low in salt if the only ingredient is the labeled fruit or vegetable. Be sure to check the ingredient list to avoid items with added sugars or salt! Check that canned fruit labels say either “in water” or “in juice”. Before you eat canned vegetables, make sure to rinse and drain them to remove excess salt.

(9) Tips for Purchasing Meat

  • Consider purchasing larger quantities of meat that are on sale and preparing enough for two or more meals.
  • Look for meat packages marked “Manager’s Special” for a discounted price (this only means that the expiration date is coming soon, so it’s okay to buy them and prepare them early in the week)

(10) Tips for Purchasing Dry Goods and Grains

  • Dried beans, peas, and lentils are great options to keep on hand and are cost-effective.
  • Buy in bulk, prepare ahead of time, and freeze.

(11) Reduce Waste!

Use highly perishable items, such as seafood, salad greens, berries, and fresh herbs early in the week. Enjoy leftovers for lunch or create new meals from leftover ingredients. Cooked meat and vegetables can be made into a casserole or soup.

(12) Last But Not Least: Order Less Takeout!